Dust removal equipment corrosion and insulation construction precautions

Guidance: Dust removal equipment corrosion and thermal insulation construction should be noted that when the ambient temperature is lower than 5 °C, the mixture should be promoted according to the mixing function of the coating, and the metal surface film is heated to 30,140 and painted again. When the ambient temperature is lower than 25 °C, there is no suitable winter construction measure, and paint construction is not allowed.

Dust removal equipment corrosion and insulation construction precautions

The precautions for anti-corrosion and insulation materials of dust removal equipment are as follows:

1. Paint types, functions, colors, coatings, and surface markings shall be specified by symbolic drawing design. The certificate of the paint manufacturer required to repair the parts prior to the paint's obsolescence.

2. The dust collector only performs the anti-corrosion treatment together. All exposed steel parts and no insulation require a coat of paint and two paints; two paint-coated steel parts with insulation layers are required.

3. Use paint grade and paint brands.

4. The paint base (steel) should be cleaned to expose the base color. If the rust blasting method is used, the compressed air should be dry, clean, and must not contain moisture and oil. In addition to the stainless steel surface, the first layer of primer should be painted dark gray and timely. .

5. The paint should be protected against sticky film and stains and breakage. The next work procedure should not be carried out before the film is dried and cured.

6. The application of coating paint should be in a clean, dry and well ventilated environment at a temperature of 5-40°C in a suitable block of snow and windy sky. In environments where the temperature is not less than 5°C and the relative air humidity does not exceed 75%, it is possible to dispense with direct coating by preheating measures; when the relative humidity of the air is higher than 75% or the gel is frosted on the metal surface, To take warm-up measures, wait until it is dry before painting the metal surface.

7. When the ambient temperature is lower than 5°C, the mixture that can promote the curing according to the mixing function of the paint, and the paint film on the metal surface is heated to 30, 140 and painted again. When the ambient temperature is lower than 25°C, there is no suitable winter construction measure and painting is not allowed. 8. The door covers all wells and explosion-proof doors in good condition.

9. Pay attention to the dust in the normal air compression system and the pressure in the air tank.

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