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Sheath: In its simplest form, it is a tubular tubular component that is semi-closed and is the main part of the trolley wire. In its interior, there may be one or more guide rails, but each guide rail should be insulated from each other to ensure safety. Its overall shape can be either straight or circular.
Conductor: The material is generally copper, and its cross-sectional area can be different.
Receiver: It is a set of brush holders, but it is run inside the conduit, usually driven by a fork.
What are the main components of the power trolley? The main reason why this issue is raised is to solve it so that everyone can clearly understand it. In this way, it can be grasped well and firmly, and it will enable one to understand more and make progress.
Talking about the composition of power supply trolley wire
There are three main components of the power trolley line device, which are jackets, conductors, and power receivers. So, let's talk about them separately.