Yunnan Provincial Government commends Yuanmou Liming Dehydrated Vegetable Company

Drying equipment

According to the "Decision of the People's Government of Yunnan Province on the Recognition of the Development of the Advanced Leading Enterprise in the Industrialization of the Plateau (Decision of Yunzheng [2012] No. 21), the county Yuanming Liming Dehydrated Vegetable Co., Ltd. was honored by the Yunnan Provincial People's Government as We will promote the advanced leading enterprises in the development of agricultural industrialization in the plateau. A total of 100 companies in the province received this recognition.

2inch Slackline Kits Playline

Turn any environment into a playground with this Slackline designed as a complete kit specifically for beginners. Featuring static-style material with rubber grip, and an overhead guide line with arm trainer, the PLAY LINE makes learning simple.

Two-piece slackline is fully adjustable and easily installed between trees or other sturdy anchor points.Improve balance skills, core strength, and coordination while having fun.Kit includes slackline, ratchet tensioner, and tree protection

2Inch Slackline Kits Playline,Slackline Kits Playline,Slackline Outdoor Sports,Slackline Highline Kits,Slackline Training